Positive Motivation | A Required Quality
Positive Motivation | A Required Quality

What is positive and negative motivation?

There are not many kind of motivation. Types of motivation works for short term goals , not for long term goals. But for distant future, this article describes positive motivation.

Positive and negative motivation

Positive motivation is the type of motivation a person feels when expecting a particular reward. 

An example of positive motivation is when a mother says to her daughter, "If you looked well and got a high grade I would buy you a thing you want ".

The negative motivation is a type of feeling a person gets when he expects punishment. An example of negative motivation might be telling your child "If you haven't studied, I won't allow you to travel this summer"

Difference between positive and negative motivation

Both positive and negative motivation can lead to a similar result but at the end of the day the overuse of negative motivation can end up in problems like hating the one who uses against you. 

For example a boss who always uses negative motivation to motivate his employees is likely to be hated.

Therefore the difference between positive and negative motivation is that positive motivation does not cause side effects at the end of the day while negative motivation may lead to some unwanted situations.


How To Get Your Life Together

Positive Motivation | A Required Quality
Positive Motivation | A Required Quality

Positive Motivation Techniques

Set goals that are appropriate and available

Helping employees establish professional goals and objectives helps employees to be self-motivated. 

Not only does this give employees something to strive for, but your business benefits when tied to goals for corporate contributions. 

Confirmation goals are reasonable and achievable, so employees are not discouraged.  When activists offer incentives at notable milestones.

What counts

This technique can be used for improving your confidence and remind yourself of the positive actions you are taking every day. 

To use it, you just use a wristwatch counter and click on it whenever you are taking positive action, otherwise you use a notebook and write it down. The simpler this system is, the more are the results. 

It takes your brain back to focus on the positive actions you are taking every day, which is easy to remember if you are not counting them. 

This gives you a more balanced view and helps build confidence in your ability to perform tasks.

Test What You Can't Do

This technique may be about testing your negative beliefs. It is easy to think that you cannot do this otherwise you cannot do this. 

This system helps you prove it. To use it, break your barriers into smaller obstacles. Take action and test against everyone, proving yourself right or wrong.

Positive Motivation | A Required Quality
Positive Motivation | A Required Quality

Positive Effect Of Motivation

Let's challenge ourselves.

If you are responsible for inspiring others, then your personal motivation matters in two ways. 

First of all, you want to be motivated to continue applying the techniques until you have found what works best for the individuals in your team. 

But second, you will want to make sure that your motivation lies within the right motives. 

If you only try to force others to feel what you would try to do without considering them your needs and values, you will find yourself with temporary motivation - if they were at least motivated Huh. 

Eventually you will have to face turnover, job loss and poor attitude.

Advantages Of Negative Motivation

Positive Motivation | A Required Quality
Positive Motivation | A Required Quality

Your negative motivation can offer you an insane amount of leverage to realize your goals! There are two major things that drive homosapeins - pain and pleasure. 

This concept has been around for ages, although some people actually use these concepts to strategically motivate themselves.

So, what to ask of all of you? If you do not plan for your goal, then your next step is to make a list of all negative causes or consequences. Took your pen and paper to make a list?

The goal of this exercise is that you are feeling really negative about not taking action. 

The more pain and negative emotions with your current state of achieving your goal, the better! If you're still not unsure here, just ask yourself: what really sucks if I don't achieve this goal? 

Because the saying goes, people want to get away from pain, and move on to joy. This is often what we do here!

Do not proceed until you make this list!

Okay, have you made an extended list of negative motivations? Does a person feel stressed, irritable, or more motivated to actually push themselves out of this current, steady state that you simply end up with? 

Use those negative feelings to your advantage!

In an equivalent time, even if you are achieving your goal, remember all the positive benefits. Use pain and pleasure to drive yourself and focus on goal setting and goal chasing ! I promise it works!


Positive Motivation | A Required Quality
Positive Motivation | A Required Quality


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