Courage Is Not The Absence Of Fear
Courage Is Not The Absence Of Fear

We have a "fearless" business culture that promotes enthusiasm and says choose it as an alternative that you are vulnerable to. Most people suggest that we should take a step back before going for it. 

This is an important sign that states that a threat may be present, or the damage may be imminent. Lack of fear to face danger is not courageous, it is careless and can lead to negative consequences.

Entrepreneurs have to face many such decisions in a day. Naturally requiring a greater risk than a more specific individual, they require a higher tolerance for risk. 

But the discerning leader recognizes fear and its value. Leaders who have no fear still make terrible decisions and do not worry about the consequences. 

Sometimes they also assume that the pieces will just be picked up by someone else. Most entrepreneurs do not have this luxury - a huge mistake can mean shuttering of business.

Next time you are feeling that fear - failure, humiliation, danger, loss, indecision, etc. - believes what is most important. 

Courage is aged to lead the opposite side and path of that. John McCain teamed up with his "no" vote on the proposed health care law last week. This is courage.

Courage Is Not The Absence Of Fear But The Ability To Act In Spite Of It

We sleep in a very dangerous, horrifying world. Simply activate a cable news network or scan daily news briefs; it's simple to live our lives in concern

From the violence and hate on our streets to the malignant disease additives in our food, the concern we tend to face will result in palsy in our action. There are those that withdraw from society day by day, and that they got to produce a secure cocoon to hide them with reality.


Consistency Is Key To Success

Courage Is Not The Absence Of Fear
Courage Is Not The Absence Of Fear

It takes bravery and talent to act despite our fears. We tend to build skills to retort to the events happening daily

We tend to adapt and suit our environment; we tend to purposely produce a culture that creates any country higher

We tend to sleep in a very broken world, however we are going to work every day with one purpose and create it a higher place. It starts with everybody. . . quick and acting.

Courage Is Not The Absence Of Fear But The Triumph Over It

This phrase  means that real courage is knowing that there is a real risk ,the cause of fear, the present. 

A person of courage then acts in spite of his fear. To quote General Patton - "Courage is afraid of being caught for only a minute." Puts a person in the category of 'stupidity' for the least fear.

More realistically, you may remember a reporter questioning a young medal of Honor winner a few years ago on the day of his award ceremony, asking,

 'But didn't you fear you were about to die (go back to them From)? ' 'His answer -' No, ma'am, I knew I would have prepared to die - but I didn't go to leave them there. Either they may come or I may not. '

Fear can be a natural human response to danger, most people will experience fear when at risk, but how will a brave person be able to beat fear because something is so important to them that it defeats their desire to either run away . 

Or simply nothing ("freeze") that inspires fear.

Examples would be those parents who risk their own lives to save a lot of their children, soldiers, who will do amazing efforts to save many of their squad mates, emergency services, who are unknown to the general public. 

The members will be in danger to assist, and one will jump into a cold river to save his beloved dog.

Courage Is Not The Absence Of Fear, But The Strength To Do What Is Right In The Face Of It

Courage Is Not The Absence Of Fear
Courage Is Not The Absence Of Fear

No matter what proportion we pretend to be fearless, we are not fearless in the least. There is no absence of fear. 

We are courageous. But, courage and fear are not 2 sides of a coin. Some will be different from others.

Bravery and fear exist at the same time but most people hate to accept it. But the reality is what Clemens says about courage and fear. Once we have the courage, we will resist against fear. 

But this resistance does not stop all the fear in our mind. If you are brave enough to be proud that you do not have fear, then you are wrong. 

Most are frightened at some point of their lives. Most are afraid of something. The biggest people of the planet were also afraid of anything.

Fear does not mean that you are not brave: this rule is often applied in another way. Brave people are afraid of something. It also means that those who are afraid of something are often brave too. 

So, it is often understood bravery and fear under different circumstances.
Mastery over Fear: You will master fear with your bravery. 

If you show some nerves to face the objects you are afraid of, you will master your fears. This may require bravery. But this does not mean that you will be completely fearless. 

But, this is often how you will control fear. Trust Yourself: Once you trust yourself, you are not doubting about your decisions. So, trust yourself to scale back and resist fear.

You will be facing some other obstacles in your life today or tomorrow. Just smile, but don't be afraid. One method or another you will overcome it.

Show some courage and face those difficulties immediately. Do not try to run away from those problems as this may increase fear.

Now, you have to try to dare to face your problem and take action against it. You will stay away from fear like this.


Courage Is Not The Absence Of Fear
Courage Is Not The Absence Of Fear


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